Upcoming Events
Accessibility is no longer optional—it’s essential for successful marketing. With rising compliance demands, untapped market potential, and increasing reputational risks, CMOs must prioritize digital accessibility to stay ahead.
Are you ready to take meaningful steps towards creating a more inclusive and accessible digital experience for your organisation? Our hands-on workshops are designed to equip you with both the knowledge and tools to make it happen.
This virtual event, led by world-renowned practitioners, will give you access to everything you need to build a practical, actionable plan to make 2025 a landmark year for disability inclusion in your business, and across the UK. The event, spearheaded by Sara Weller CBE, is supported by Partners, Business Disability Forum, Channel 4, Lloyds Banking Group, Scope, Valuable 500, Purple Space and is delivered by ImpactMatch.
Whether you’re a long-time attendee or joining us for the first time, the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference stands as the pinnacle gathering in its field. Celebrating four decades of excellence, this conference is renowned as the premier forum for exploring the latest in technology and accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Past Events
Accessing Higher Ground fokuserer på implementeringen af og fordelene ved:
- Tilgængelige medier, universelt design og hjælpemidler på universitetet, i erhvervslivet og i den offentlige sektor;
- Juridiske og politiske spørgsmål, herunder overholdelse af ADA og 508;
- Oprettelse af tilgængelige medier og informationsressourcer, herunder websider og biblioteksressourcer.
For videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner:
- Der er et stærkt fokus på campusindretning og -politikker, produktion i alternative formater, universelt design og tilgængelighed til pensum.
Til virksomheder og andre målgrupper:
- Der er adskillige sessioner om bedste praksis for webdesign, om at nå uudnyttede målgrupper gennem tilgængeligt design og om overholdelse af eksisterende og forventede Section 508- og ADA-bestemmelser.
Building on two decades of experience with AI and automation, AIIM is proud to present a newly branded and reimagined version of its annual event in the UK.
Join Dr. Ann Knettler, Vice President of Consulting at GrackleDocs, as she simplifies the path to compliance with ADA Title II and the Health and Human Services Act Amendments. This webinar will break down the key regulations, provide strategies to create a sustainable accessibility plan, and guide you on leveraging internal and external resources to meet these requirements.
Grackle er guldsponsor for WordPress Accessibility Day, som er en 24-timers global begivenhed dedikeret til at fremme og lære bedste praksis for tilgængelighed til WordPress-hjemmesider.
Kom og hør fire brancheledere inden for digital tilgængelighed fortælle om deres organisations tilgang til digital tilgængelighed, de udfordringer, de har overvundet, og deres tanker om fremtidens tilgængelighed.
OZeWAI's medformænd Amanda Mace og Bri Norton vil sammen med udvalgsmedlem Charissa Ramirez fortælle om OZeWAI's nyheder og detaljer, herunder om at drive et Accessibility Experience Lab.
Deltag i et GRATIS webinar tirsdag den 6. august kl. 13.00 EST, hvor vi gennemgår de nye regler og giver vejledning i brugen af interne og eksterne ressourcer til at skabe en strategisk plan for digital tilgængelighed. Der er begrænset plads, så tilmeld dig webinaret i dag.
For nearly 40 years, the Center on Disabilities, through the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, has provided an inclusive setting for researchers, practitioners, exhibitors, end users, speakers and other participants to share knowledge and best practices in the field of assistive technology. In 2019, the conference drew more than 5,000 people to Anaheim, CA. Known as a forum that showcases cutting edge technology and practical solutions that can be utilized to remove the barriers that prevent the full participation of persons with disabilities in educational, workplace and social settings, the conference is the largest of its kind in the world.