Grackle Consulting

Grackle Consulting is your trusted partner in digital accessibility, offering expert services to help organizations enhance digital inclusion, mitigate legal risks, and improve user experiences.

From comprehensive accessibility assessments and strategic planning to policy development and legal compliance support, we provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.

Whether you're just starting your accessibility journey or looking to refine your digital footprint, Grackle Consulting empowers you to create inclusive, accessible environments for all.

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In addition to our comprehensive, out-of-the-box service packages below, Grackle Consulting excels in delivering fully customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

We understand that every organization faces unique challenges in their digital accessibility journey, and our expert consultants work closely with stakeholders to design bespoke strategies and action plans.

Whether it's addressing complex accessibility issues, aligning with your organization’s mission and goals, or responding to legal requirements, our customized approach ensures that you receive solutions that are as unique as your digital landscape.

Highlighted Consulting Packages

  • Digital Accessibility Assessment

    Whether you are experienced in applying principles of digital access or are just scratching the surface, our Digital Accessibility Assessment helps you increase digital equity and inclusion, immediately mitigate legal risk, improve communication, and enhance the user experience.

    • Two 1-hour Meetings with one of our expert Accessibility Consultants.
    • An analysis of your current digital accessibility footprint.
    • Anbefalinger og rammer til at håndtere din unikke digitale tilgængelighedsrejse.
    • Scope of work assessment for a multi-year digital accessibility plan.
  • Policy Review and Revisement - Incorporating Digital Accessibility

    Our Grackle Consultants are policy review and revisement experts with successful experience in sustainable Digital Accessibility Policy creation and review which could include an overall policy and/or vendor/procurement policy creation or editing. 

    • 2 meetings with an expert Grackle Consultant regarding a current Accessibility, Procurement, Purchasing, Vendor, or Contract policy. 
    • 2-page summary of revisement suggestions and rationale 
    • Returned policy document with all suggestions for digital accessibility inclusion marked 
    • Suggestions for next steps
  • Digital Accessibility Plan and Roadmap

    An essential “next step” in your organization’s digital accessibility journey is working with our expert Grackle Consultants to develop an in-depth strategic digital accessibility plan and Roadmap for application that aligns with your Accessibility Assessment and your organization’s unique structure, mission, goals, resources, and legal obligations. Our Consultants are experienced digital accessibility strategists with backgrounds in strategic planning, training, project management, and assessment who will work alongside your stakeholders throughout plan creation and application. Includes: ● Weekly meetings with your Grackle Consultant and organization stakeholders. 

    • The creation of a unique Digital Accessibility Strategic Plan draft for your review and feedback. 
    • A high level web accessibility audit from our Grackle Audit team composed of W3C and IAAP experts who perform human-based audits in alignment with WCAG 2.2 and PDF U/A Guidelines along with usability reports. 
    • An informed action plan/road map including a detailed communication plan, timeline for rollout, training schedule based on audit data to address the areas of highest concern

Millioner af dokumenter er allerede blevet Grackled!

Et lille udpluk af, hvad vores glade kunder har at sige om GrackleDocs

  • Columbus State University

    Kære Grackle-team, vi er så taknemmelige for, at I vil dele Grackle-produktsuiten med os. På Columbus State University anbefaler vi ofte GrackleDocs til fakultetsmedlemmer, der forbereder deres kursusindhold til onlinekurser.

    Designet gør det klart og ligetil at håndtere tilgængelighedsproblemer. Når et problem er fundet, giver brugerfladen et link til dets placering og metoder til at løse det. Derefter skal du blot foretage et nyt tjek. Det er så nemt at bruge! Vi glæder os til at prøve det med alle Googles produkter. Endnu en gang tak!

  • Michigan Teknologiske Universitet

    Som G-Suite campus ser vi en øget brug af Google Docs til oprettelse af indhold i undervisningen og almindelig forretningsdrift, herunder kursuspensum og forelæsningsnoter samt afdelingsnotater og politiske dokumenter.

    Vi fortsætter med at understrege vigtigheden af tilgængelige dokumenter for at sikre effektiv brug for alle og for at opretholde compliance. At kunne tilbyde Grackle Suite af værktøjer til vores brugere vil hjælpe dem med at opnå dette.

  • Bonnie Loghry

    Grackle er ikke bare den løsning, jeg ledte efter, men teamet i kundesupporten er også fantastisk. De hjalp mig med opsætningen, svarede på alle mine spørgsmål og sørgede for, at jeg var tryg ved at bruge produktet. Invester i Grackle, du vil ikke blive skuffet!

  • Croix River uddannelsesdistrikt

    Som førende inden for opfyldelse af handicappedes behov bestræber vi os hos SCRED på at gøre vores offentlige dokumenter og andre offentliggjorte materialer tilgængelige.

    Grackle Docs har været et nemt add-on-værktøj at implementere som organisation for at flytte vores digitale indhold i retning af tilgængelighed for alle. Værktøjet identificerer, hvad der er utilgængeligt i dine digitale dokumenter, og giver dig trin til at løse problemerne i henhold til gældende retningslinjer for tilgængelighed.

    Tak til Grackle Docs for dette brugervenlige værktøj.