VPAT Service

Simplifying Accessibility Compliance

Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) are vital in today’s digital landscape, proving your product’s adherence to accessibility standards like Section 508 and WCAG.
Grackle VPAT Service simplifies the process, ensuring your product meets compliance requirements while fostering inclusivity and improving user experiences.
Without a VPAT, your software might become ineligible for purchase by government entities, government-funded agencies, and commercial enterprises.
Læs mere nedenfor Om VPAT ServiceScreenshot of a VPAT Report that highlights failures and passes of a WCAG standard

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VPAT Service

Today, more than 1.1 billion people worldwide experience vision impairment, prompting regulations that emphasize equitable access across public and private sectors. In the U.S., Section 508 enforces accessible IT procurement for federal agencies. Similar initiatives exist in regions like the EU and the British Commonwealth, requiring product compliance with accessibility laws and standards.

A VPAT evaluates your product’s compliance with these accessibility standards, helping:

    • Strengthen inclusivity for disabled users.
    • Enhance user trust and brand reputation. 
      Meet procurement requirements for government and enterprise clients.
      Mitigate legal and financial risks.


How the Grackle VPAT Service Works

Step 1: Comprehensive Audit
We begin with a thorough expert analysis of your product’s accessibility features. This audit uncovers your product’s current accessibility status and areas for improvement.

Step 2: VPAT Completion
Using the audit findings, we precisely complete the VPAT to ensure it aligns with recognized accessibility standards.

Step 3: Seamless Delivery
Your finalized VPAT and Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) will be shared with you by your Grackle representative. Share it publicly or make it available on-demand with ease.

Expertise That Matters

Leverage our team’s deep understanding of accessibility standards, including WCAG and Section 508. With a proven history of auditing websites, apps, and software, we go beyond compliance to capture the genuine accessibility experience your product provides.

Ultra Clear Reporting

Receive detailed, actionable results delivered through our user-friendly Grackle Report, making it easy to understand and act on the findings.

'White Glove' Support

Our team collaborates closely with yours, offering practical guidance to address accessibility gaps and ensure long-term success.

Retest and Update

As a valued client, you can retest and update your VPAT as needed, ensuring your documentation remains current and accurate.

Eligibility for Government Contracts

Meet procurement requirements and ensure your product remains eligible for purchase by government and enterprise clients.

Proactive Accessibility

Address accessibility issues before they become liabilities, enhancing your brand’s reputation and fostering user trust.

Improved User Experience

Create genuinely inclusive digital experiences for all users, including those with disabilities.

Ongoing Partnership

Transform your VPAT from a static document into a living resource with continuous updates and support.

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Et lille udpluk af, hvad vores glade kunder har at sige om GrackleDocs

  • Columbus State University

    Kære Grackle-team, vi er så taknemmelige for, at I vil dele Grackle-produktsuiten med os. På Columbus State University anbefaler vi ofte GrackleDocs til fakultetsmedlemmer, der forbereder deres kursusindhold til onlinekurser.

    Designet gør det klart og ligetil at håndtere tilgængelighedsproblemer. Når et problem er fundet, giver brugerfladen et link til dets placering og metoder til at løse det. Derefter skal du blot foretage et nyt tjek. Det er så nemt at bruge! Vi glæder os til at prøve det med alle Googles produkter. Endnu en gang tak!

  • Michigan Teknologiske Universitet

    Som G-Suite campus ser vi en øget brug af Google Docs til oprettelse af indhold i undervisningen og almindelig forretningsdrift, herunder kursuspensum og forelæsningsnoter samt afdelingsnotater og politiske dokumenter.

    Vi fortsætter med at understrege vigtigheden af tilgængelige dokumenter for at sikre effektiv brug for alle og for at opretholde compliance. At kunne tilbyde Grackle Suite af værktøjer til vores brugere vil hjælpe dem med at opnå dette.

  • Bonnie Loghry

    Grackle er ikke bare den løsning, jeg ledte efter, men teamet i kundesupporten er også fantastisk. De hjalp mig med opsætningen, svarede på alle mine spørgsmål og sørgede for, at jeg var tryg ved at bruge produktet. Invester i Grackle, du vil ikke blive skuffet!

  • Croix River uddannelsesdistrikt

    Som førende inden for opfyldelse af handicappedes behov bestræber vi os hos SCRED på at gøre vores offentlige dokumenter og andre offentliggjorte materialer tilgængelige.

    Grackle Docs har været et nemt add-on-værktøj at implementere som organisation for at flytte vores digitale indhold i retning af tilgængelighed for alle. Værktøjet identificerer, hvad der er utilgængeligt i dine digitale dokumenter, og giver dig trin til at løse problemerne i henhold til gældende retningslinjer for tilgængelighed.

    Tak til Grackle Docs for dette brugervenlige værktøj.