Grackle Form

The go-to resource for creating accessible forms

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Inquire About Grackle Form Today

What is Grackle Form?

Grackle Form is the only accessibility remediation team capable of assisting clients with the four major forms while incorporating accessibility every step of the way. It assists clients with AcroForm, XFA-LiveCycle, Adobe Experience Manager, and HTML. Our experience in simple forms as well as the most highly complex, scripted and dynamic forms helps ensure a user with a print disability is able to independently comprehend and complete your forms.



AcroForm is a static PDF form that provides an interactive, fillable experience on a traditional print form.


XFA-LiveCycle is a dynamic PDF form that allows changes in the requested field to be completed based on previous responses.

Adobe Experience Manager

The Adobe Experience Manager is the newest forms product from Adobe that combines the flexibility of XFA with the extensibility of HTML-based forms.


HTML web-based forms that allow users to complete their responses in an accessible web page.

What Security and Privacy Protocols Does {post_title) Adhere to?

{post_title) adheres to leading global security and privacy protocols like HIPAA, GDPR, and PIPEDA.



  • GDPR




What legislation and standards does {post_title) meet?

{post_title) helps companies meet numerous accessibility legislations and standards from around the world including the following accessibility compliance requirements:

  • PDF/UA


  • AODA


  • HHS


  • WCAG 2.1 AA

    WCAG 2.1 AA

  • EU Directive Logo

    EN 301 549

  • California Code logo

    California Code

  • ACA


  • EU Directive Logo

    EN 2016/2102

  • United States of America Department of State logo

    Section 508

  • United States of America Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs logo


  • BITV


Millions of documents have already been Grackled!

A small sample of what our happy customers have to say about GrackleDocs

  • Columbus State University

    Dear Grackle Team, we are so grateful for your reaching out to share the Grackle product suite. At Columbus State University, we frequently recommend GrackleDocs to faculty members preparing their course content for online courses.

    Its design makes addressing accessibility issues clear and straightforward. When an issue is found, the interface provides a link to its location and methods for addressing it. Then you simply do a recheck. It’s so easy to use! We are looking forward to trying it out with all Google products. Thanks again!


    Grackle is an amazing suite that solved a big technical gap with our own organization and our member school districts who all use Google Workspace for document management.

    As we began offering website accessibility services, we realized there wasn’t a good solution to suggest to our customers on how to manage accessibility within Google documents.

    Having to download, convert, and scan through other tools was too cumbersome–until we found Grackle. Despite the pandemic shutdowns, we continue to promote Grackle during our large district tech and superintendent meetings as well as meetings with other collaboratives like ours.

  • Barbers Hill ISD

    As our K-12 District Webmaster, I am responsible for performing accessibility compliance remediation on many non-compliant PDFs.

    I desperately needed a user-friendly solution to enable staff to help. Grackle Suite exceeded my expectations. With complex documents, it not only identified errors, but it took me directly to them and showed me how to correct them!

    I was impressed, but I wanted further proof that Grackle would be user-friendly for staff who are not compliance-savvy. I asked a co-worker to try it, and within an hour she emailed me saying, “I’m in love!” There was no turning back. We had to have Grackle!

  • University of Alaska

    It’s really easy and helps you learn more about Google Docs and how to make them accessible. This tool gives you the tricks of the trade to get it right the first time.