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Viser innlegg fra kategori: Digital tilgjengelighet
How to Ensure PDF/UA Compliance in 2025: A Step-by-Step Guide
Did you know that over 1 billion people worldwide live with some form of disability? This staggering statistic underscores the urgent need for organizations to invest in digital accessibility. By…
Top 3 Accessibility Trends to Watch in 2025
Digital accessibility is the practice of ensuring that all digital content, such as websites, mobile applications, and digital documents, is usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. This remit encompasses…
How Accessibility Laws Drive Change in Digital Content and Design
Introduction Accessibility laws play a significant role in shaping how digital content and design are created, ensuring that people of all abilities can access and interact with online information and…
Web Accessibility Standards: Understanding and Meeting Legal Requirements
In today’s increasingly digital world, web accessibility is not just a technical requirement—it’s a critical component of inclusivity and legal compliance. As millions of people with disabilities rely on accessible…
How Is Digital Accessibility Awareness Being Promoted Across the Globe?
Introduction Digital accessibility has become a critical global issue as more of our daily lives, from work and education to socialization and entertainment, take place online. With an estimated 1…
AODA: Leading the Way in Global Web Accessibility Standards
Ontario is recognized for offering some of the most comprehensive web accessibility standards in the world, thanks to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Introduced in 2005, the…
Our Top 10 Strategies for Addressing Common Accessibility Challenges
In today’s digital landscape, ensuring that content is accessible to all users is not only a matter of inclusion but also a legal and ethical obligation. Addressing accessibility challenges makes…
How to Write Accessible Content: Best Practices for Reaching Every Reader
Creating accessible content is no longer just a best practice; it’s a necessity. Ensuring that content is inclusive and easy to comprehend for all readers, including those with disabilities, can…
Understanding and Complying with the European Accessibility Act: Key Requirements and Best Practices
Web accessibility is no longer just a requirement for public-sector organisations in the European Union (EU). The European Accessibility Act (EAA) mandates that a wide range of products and services,…
Utviklingen av tilgjengelighetsfunksjoner i forbrukerteknologi
Innledning I den moderne verden gjennomsyrer teknologi nesten alle aspekter av dagliglivet, noe som gjør det viktig at forbrukerteknologi er tilgjengelig for alle brukere, også for personer med funksjonsnedsettelser. Tilgjengelighet...
Vi introduserer GrackleDashboard: Revolusjonerende tjenesteinnsending og -administrasjon
Vi er glade for å kunne avduke GrackleDashboard, en banebrytende selvbetjeningsside som er utviklet for å effektivisere innsending av tjenester og forbedre den interne administrasjonen for våre ansatte. Denne innovative plattformen fungerer som en omfattende inngangsport...
Beste fremgangsmåter for å forbedre tilgjengeligheten i sosiale medier på dine innlegg og plattformer
Innledning Etter hvert som sosiale medier blir stadig mer integrert i hverdagen vår, kan ikke betydningen av tilgjengelighet på disse plattformene overvurderes. Tilgjengelighet i sosiale medier skaper ikke bare inkludering, men også...